HVAC technician working on rooftop compressors

Have you ever wondered how pivotal HVAC maintenance is to the comfort and air quality in your home? As seasons change, ensuring your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems are in sterling condition is key to not just a cozy living space but also to energy efficiency and the longevity of your units. Need help with your HVAC maintenance? Find out about Mode Comfort’s Fan Club Membership! If you are looking for the best HVAC company in Richmond, VA, look no further than Mode Comfort and AIr Quality! In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of maintenance, unpacking the benefits of HVAC maintenance.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Regular HVAC maintenance not only ensures your system functions optimally but also contributes to decreasing monthly energy bills. When HVAC systems are neglected, they have to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to excessive energy use and higher costs. By scheduling routine check-ups, cleaning or replacing filters, and ensuring that all components are functioning efficiently, homeowners can significantly improve their system’s energy efficiency. An efficiently running HVAC system requires less energy to heat or cool your home, which is not only good for your wallet but also beneficial for the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. 

How does regular HVAC maintenance contribute to improved energy efficiency in a residential or commercial setting?

Regular HVAC maintenance is akin to taking your vehicle in for regular tune-ups; it’s essential for ensuring that the system operates at peak efficiency. When neglected, the HVAC unit can become the silent energy-drainer in both residential and commercial settings. Below, we’ll delve into the benefits of routine maintenance and how it contributes to better energy efficiency:

  • Optimized Airflow: Clean Filters & Ducts: A primary component of HVAC maintenance involves the cleaning or replacement of air filters and ductwork. Clogged filters restrict airflow, forcing the system to work harder and consume more energy to maintain a desired temperature. Regularly replacing or cleaning these filters eliminates this barrier, allowing easier air movement and reducing energy use.
  • Efficient System Operation: Lubrication and Tightening: During a maintenance check, technicians lubricate moving parts to reduce friction, which otherwise could lead to the system using more energy. Additionally, tightening electrical connections ensures your system runs efficiently without the risk of electrical hazards or intermittent operation that can further strain the system.
  • Maintaining Coils and Components: Condenser and Evaporator Coils: Regular cleaning of the condenser and evaporator coils prevents the accumulation of dirt and debris, which can insulate the coils and hinder their ability to absorb and release heat effectively. Well-maintained coils don’t have to work as hard, thus improving the system’s overall energy efficiency.
  • Early Detection of Issues: Preventative Checks: Proactive maintenance can pinpoint potential issues before they become significant problems. Technicians can detect if the HVAC system is overworking due to faulty parts or other inefficiencies. By rectifying these issues promptly, the system’s energy consumption is kept to a minimum.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Family hugging on couch in living room

Regular HVAC maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring that the air circulating within your home is clean and healthy. Clogged filters, dirty ducts, and neglected components can harbor dust, allergens, pet dander, and even mold, all of which can be detrimental to your health and well-being. By scheduling routine check-ups and cleanings, you not only enhance the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems but also significantly reduce the potential irritants that can lead to respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and other health problems. The professional HVAC technicians at Mode Comfort have the expertise and tools to thoroughly clean and replace filters, inspect air ducts for contamination, and ensure that your system is not a breeding ground for pollutants. Homeowners who prioritize their HVAC maintenance can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with breathing cleaner air in a more comfortable living environment.

Fewer Breakdowns

No one wants to be without climate control in extreme weather. Maintaining your HVAC system ensures that you will have heating and cooling when you need it most. By catching problems early, you are more likely to only need minor fixes, saving money in the long run.

Longer System Lifespan

Regular check-ups can extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling units by identifying issues before they evolve into costly repairs or complete system failures. By scheduling annual service checks, you are effectively investing in the long-term performance and efficiency of your HVAC system. Homeowners and businesses alike can benefit from the peace of mind that comes with a reliable, energy-efficient heating and cooling system.

Consistent Comfort

A stable indoor environment is more than just a matter of comfort; it’s a health issue too. Consistent comfort helps to avoid illness that can be related to drastic changes in temperature and humidity. Especially for those with respiratory issues or allergies, maintaining a stable environment can be critical in reducing symptoms. What we often underestimate is the profound impact that consistent comfort has on our overall well-being and productivity. A well-regulated environment lets us sleep better, focus more easily, and enjoy our homes to the fullest. It’s an invisible, yet essential aspect of a modern lifestyle, allowing us to live and work without the distraction of discomfort.

Warranty Protection

Maintaining the integrity of your HVAC system warranty necessitates adherence to regular maintenance protocols. Not only does routine servicing help in the longevity of your system, but it also often forms an essential criterion for warranty claims. Manufacturers sometimes stipulate that your HVAC unit must be serviced by a certified professional at scheduled intervals to keep the warranty valid. Therefore, it is crucial to save all service records and receipts as proof of upkeep. Failure to provide documented evidence of maintenance can result in a warranty being voided, leaving you unprotected against potential costly repairs or replacements.

Peace of Mind

HVAC technician changing compressor filter

Mode Comfort & Air Quality understands the importance of a properly functioning HVAC system. Our maintenance programs are aimed at giving you the peace of mind that your systems are in proper working order and ready for any climate challenges. Not only are we your maintenance partner, Mode Comfort is Richmond’s first call for HVAC repair near me. We provide a variety of services and our experts are ready to tackle any issue that your system may have from AC repair in Richmond to complete system replacements. Call today to enroll in our Fan Club maintenance program!


Why is HVAC maintenance important?

Consistent HVAC maintenance is vital for several key reasons, each contributing to the overall functionality, efficiency, and longevity of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Regular maintenance ensures that your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency, providing you with comfortable indoor air quality throughout the year.

What does HVAC maintenance include?

Our system check-ups include professional inspection, cleaning and replacing components (as needed), system testing, and general upkeep like lubrication and drain cleaning. Every system is unique and Mode Comfort is dedicated to keeping them all functioning properly.

What are the potential cost savings associated with proactive HVAC maintenance compared to reactive repairs?

HVAC systems are substantial investments, and like any other major investment, it’s crucial to maximize their operational life. Proactive maintenance can help identify issues such as component wear and tear, lubrication needs, or electrical problems before they develop into major failures. This can prevent the need for premature replacements, pushing the high costs of purchasing and installing new systems further down the road. Unexpected failures not only lead to discomfort but can also be quite expensive to repair, especially if they occur outside of normal business hours when emergency call-out fees apply. With proactive maintenance, the risk of encountering such emergencies is significantly reduced as potential problems are rectified during scheduled maintenance times, which are usually conducted at a lower cost compared to emergency services.

Are there any specific environmental benefits associated with routine HVAC maintenance, such as reduced energy consumption and lower carbon emissions?

There are significant environmental benefits related to routine HVAC maintenance which can contribute to both reduced energy consumption and lower carbon emissions. Regular maintenance of an HVAC system ensures that each component operates at peak efficiency. For example, cleaning or replacing air filters can improve airflow and prevent the system from working harder than necessary. This means the system uses less power to heat or cool the space, which directly translates to a reduction in energy consumption. When HVAC systems consume less energy, this directly correlates to less demand for electricity from power grids, a sizable portion of which still depends on fossil fuels. Consequently, routine maintenance leading to less energy use helps to reduce the overall carbon footprint associated with fossil fuel combustion.

Condensation on windowpanes

Ever wondered why some days your skin feels more like a desert while other days it’s as if you’re walking through a tropical jungle? The culprit behind these fluctuations is none other than the humidity level in your house. This invisible, yet palpable entity has the power to transform our comfort, health, and even the longevity of our wooden furnishings! Dive into our blog post where we unveil the mysteries of humidity levels, learn how to tame this wild element, and discover why maintaining the right balance can turn your home into a sanctuary of well-being. Contact Mode Comfort today to find out more about our home humidity control systems!

Why Humidity Matters in HVAC?

When discussing the intricacies of HVAC systems, it’s imperative to stress the importance of maintaining the right humidity levels. Proper humidity balance is not just a matter of comfort, but also one of health and efficiency in both residential and commercial spaces.

The Impact of Home Humidity Levels on Comfort

From a comfort standpoint, the humidity level in the air can play as much of a role as temperature. Air that is too dry can cause irritation to our skin, eyes, and respiratory system. This is particularly noticeable in the colder months when HVAC systems are used to heat indoor spaces, which can reduce indoor humidity. Conversely, air that is too moist can make a space feel stuffy and warmer than it actually is. This often happens in summer months, causing HVAC systems to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature.

HVAC Efficiency and Humidity

Efficiency is yet another facet of the HVAC system’s functionality that’s affected by humidity. An HVAC system in a highly humid environment will consume more energy because it has to work harder to remove the excess moisture from the air to reach the desired comfort level. Therefore, managing humidity is not just about maintaining a comfortable indoor climate, it’s also about optimizing the efficiency of the HVAC unit, leading to potential energy savings and prolonged system life.

Problems Caused by High Humidity Level  in Home

Spraying mold that is growing in corner of room

  • Health Issues: High humidity levels inside your home can be much more than a mere discomfort; they can have significant effects on your health. Breathing in overly moist air could potentially result in respiratory problems due to the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in damp conditions. Not only do these fungi produce an unpleasant musty odor, but they can also release spores into the air that may cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and other respiratory issues, especially in those with weakened immune systems. Read more about our house air purifiers!
  • Structural Damage: The integrity of your home’s structure can also be compromised by high humidity. When the air is laden with moisture, it can find its way into walls and wooden supports, leading to warping, cracking, and the breakdown of structural strength. This weakening may go unnoticed for a long time, quietly progressing until it becomes a serious issue requiring expensive repairs.
  • Pest Infestations: Pests like dust mites, cockroaches, and termites are all attracted to moist environments. These unwanted critters can set up shop in your home if humidity is left unchecked, creating infestations that can damage your property and exacerbate health concerns. Moreover, the presence of these pests can bring about additional costs in pest control and add to the overall unhealthiness of your indoor environment.

Problems Caused by Low Humidity Level in Home

  • Flu and Cold Protection: When the humidity levels in your home drop significantly, it can lead to a host of health-related problems. Low humidity dries out the mucous membranes in your nose and throat, which can diminish your body’s ability to fend off cold and flu viruses. This is why many people find they are more prone to illnesses during the colder months when indoor humidity levels tend to be lower. Moreover, people suffering from asthma may experience more frequent and severe episodes as dry air can irritate the respiratory system.
  • Skin Irritation: The lack of moisture in the air can cause your skin to become dry, flaky, and itchy. In extreme cases, your skin may even crack, which can be painful and opens the door to potential infections. Additionally, those with sensitive skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, may notice a worsening of their symptoms when the indoor air is too dry.
  • Structural Damage to Your Home: Your home can also suffer from low humidity levels. Wood floors, furniture, and musical instruments like pianos are particularly susceptible to damage when the air in your home is too dry. Wood can warp, crack, or split because it contracts when it dries out. This not only affects the appearance and integrity of your expensive household items but can also lead to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Electrical Hazards: Another less obvious problem caused by low humidity is the increase in static electricity. This can be a mere nuisance, giving you small shocks when you touch metal objects, fabric, or even other people. However, it can pose a serious threat to sensitive electronics, possibly damaging them or wiping out important data.

What’s the Best Home Humidity Level?

Most experts agree that the normal humidity level for comfort and for avoiding health issues typically ranges from 30% to 50%. In this range, you strike a balance between eliminating problems that come with air that is too dry or too moist.

Ideal indoor humidity in winter

When the outdoor temperatures drop, the air becomes drier, and heating systems working overtime can strip what little moisture remains, potentially leading to a host of undesirable effects.

To maintain ideal humidity levels of 30-50% in winter, you might need to employ some strategies:

  • Use a Humidifier: A humidifier is an effective way to add moisture back into your home’s air. They come in various sizes, from units suited for a single room to whole-house systems that work with your heating system.
  • Keep an Eye on the Hygrometer: This tool measures the moisture in the air. Some digital thermostats have built-in hygrometers, but you can also buy standalone units.
  • Indoor Plants: Adding houseplants can help to naturally increase the humidity inside your home as they release moisture vapor into the air as part of their natural breathing and transpiration process.
  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is key to maintaining humidity at healthy levels. For instance, using exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom can help remove excess moisture that could contribute to mold growth.
  • Seal Leaks: Make sure that your home is well-sealed to prevent the loss of warm, humidified air and the influx of dry, cold air. This includes sealing gaps around windows, doors, and other potential air leaks.

By managing the proper humidity for your house during winter, you can improve your comfort, protect your health, and extend the life of your home’s interior features. Regularly monitoring and adjusting humidity levels will help you maintain a cozy and healthy living space all winter long. Read more about heater temperatures in winter!

Ideal home humidity in summer

When we talk about the ideal humidity in your house in summer, we consider the same home humidity recommendations as you would in winter. The perfect balance ensures not only our personal comfort but also the well-being of our homes and the longevity of our belongings. Once you’re aware of your home’s humidity levels, there are several methods to control it:

  • Air Conditioning: An AC doesn’t only cool your home but also reduces humidity by pulling moisture from the air.
  • Dehumidifiers: These can be particularly beneficial in high-humidity areas or during exceptionally humid periods.
  • Use Fans: Good air circulation can help keep humidity levels down by drying out damp air.
  • Ventilation: Ensure your home is properly ventilated, especially areas like bathrooms and kitchens where moisture is often generated.

How To Achieve The Best Humidity Level for Your Home

Humidifier in corner of room near plants

At Mode Comfort & Air Quality, we offer personalized solutions that cater to your specific needs because we understand that every home is unique. Our professional team will assess your living space and recommend the most efficient and cost-effective methods to achieve balanced humidity in your house. Don’t let improper humidity take a toll on your well-being and home integrity. Contact Mode Comfort & Air Quality today for HVAC in Midlothian, VA, and take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable living environment. Remember, managing home humidity is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity for preserving your home’s condition and ensuring your family’s health.

Icon of bell ringing, text underneath reading SOS

Homeowners often face the dilemma of distinguishing between an HVAC hiccup and an outright emergency. In order to address this concern, it’s important to know what truly constitutes an HVAC emergency and calls for your immediate attention, versus an issue that requires maintenance without such urgency. Mode Comfort has experience helping homeowners and small businesses with all types of HVAC issues so we are happy to give some guidance.

Identifying HVAC Emergencies

When your HVAC system falters, it’s not just about discomfort—it could pose serious risks. HVAC emergencies involve situations where a delay in repair can lead to dire consequences, from health issues to significant property damage. Understanding the severity of HVAC issues is the key to handling them appropriately. Here’s a breakdown of urgent HVAC emergencies requiring prompt action.

  1. No Heat Emitting From Unit: This issue not only affects your home comfort, but depending on the severity of the cold, may also pose a risk to your pipes, which can freeze and burst, leading to serious water damage and costly repairs. 
  2. Your Cooling Mode Is Blowing Warm Air:  There could be several causes for this, including a refrigerant leak, a compromised compressor, a dirty air filter, or an issue with the thermostat. Neglecting this warning sign can lead to a complete breakdown of the air conditioning system, which may result in costly repairs. 
  3. Safety-Related Concerns: If you notice any signs of electrical issues, such as sparks, burning smells, or frequent circuit breaker trips, it’s crucial to act immediately. These may indicate a potential fire hazard. Ensure that you have a functioning fire alarm within close proximity to your HVAC system.
  4. Gas Leak: If you suspect a gas leak, often recognized by a rotten egg smell, this constitutes an emergency due to the risk of explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning. Promptly evacuate the area and contact emergency services or your gas company before calling a licensed HVAC professional. Always have working carbon monoxide detectors near your HVAC unit.

These scenarios signify HVAC repair emergencies that require immediate attention from an HVAC professional. At Mode Comfort, we are well-equipped to assist with all air conditioning emergencies. Call at 804-481-6633 if you are experiencing any emergency issues and need immediate assistance.

What’s Not Considered An HVAC Emergency?

While certain problems require swift responses, not every HVAC issue requires an emergency response. Recognizing the difference between emergency heating and cooling issues and regular mishaps can save you stress and money. Let’s explore some common issues that don’t require an emergency response. 

  1. Mild Temperature Fluctuations: These can often be due to external factors or minor system inefficiencies.
  2. Regular Maintenance Alerts: Some high-end modern HVAC systems will alert you when it’s time for regular maintenance, which is not an emergency but a reminder to schedule a check-up.
  3. Slightly Increased Energy Bills: If you notice your energy bill is slightly higher than usual, it may not be an immediate emergency. It could indicate that your system needs a tune-up.
  4. Dusty Smell When Turning on the Heat: A dusty odor upon turning on the heater after a long period of inactivity is common, as dust accumulates in the ducts. The smell should clear after a short while.
  5. Dirty Air Filters: Changing air filters is an important step for maintaining a healthy HVAC unit, but will not lead to emergency situations. 
  6. Minor Water Leaks: If there’s a small amount of water leaking, it could be condensation or a minor issue with the drain line.
  7. Short Cycling: Short cycling, or when the system frequently turns on and off, isn’t ideal for efficiency and may require a simple thermostat adjustment.

Distinguishing these less pressing issues from genuine emergency air, heating and cooling situations can offer relief and guide you towards the appropriate course of action. To avoid any such issues, you can schedule regular maintenance with the technicians at Mode Comfort. When you enlist the services of our experienced technicians, you can avoid any issues, emergency or not. 

Steps You Can Take First in HVAC Emergencies

Once an emergency heating and cooling situation is evident, there are crucial steps to take before professional help arrives. Let’s explore how to handle these moments.

  • Assess the Scene: Verify that the issue at hand is indeed a critical concern.
  • Power Down: Turn off your HVAC to prevent additional damage or hazards.
  • Evacuate if Necessary: If you smell gas or have a carbon monoxide alarm ringing, it is essential to exit the property and call emergency services.
  • Seek HVAC Support: Contact emergency HVAC services without delay.

These steps ensure that you’re doing everything possible to mitigate risks while awaiting expert intervention. It is important to know the risks associated with HVACs. Having regular maintenance, such as the programs offered at Mode Comfort, allows you to better understand your system and when to look for emergency signs.

Get Professional HVAC Emergency Services: Call Mode Comfort

Woman welcoming HVAC repairman into home

When an HVAC emergency strikes, Mode Comfort can aid in your HVAC havoc. Our technicians are swift and skilled when it comes to an emergency. But, whether it’s an emergency or not, addressing timely repairs saves both stress and financial strain. Investing now in our HVAC Repair Services can lead to less emergency situations in the future. Entrusting Mode Comfort with any HVAC need means getting back to comfort and security swiftly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HVAC emergency heat?

Emergency heat, often referred to as “auxiliary heat”, is a secondary heating component that’s used when the temperature outside is too cold for your primary HVAC system to keep up with the demand for warmth.

What to Expect During an HVAC Emergency?

It’s essential to contact an HVAC service provider as soon as possible, as delays can lead to increased discomfort, higher repair costs, and in some cases, health risks. While you await their arrival, take precautionary steps such as turning off your HVAC system to prevent further damage, and if possible, opening windows or using fans to maintain a moderate temperature.

What is the most common HVAC problem?

Some of the most common HVAC issues include irregular changes in thermostat temperatures, neglected air filters, holes or gaps in the ducts, pilot light issues, and just a general need of maintenance from wear of the system over time.

Is HVAC leaking an emergency?

Not all leaks are considered an emergency, but there are a few things to keep an eye out for that increase urgency. If you see the system is leaking refrigerant, this can cause an environmental or efficiency emergency. Water leaks can quickly lead to mold, so should be handled as fast as possible. The smell of gas leaks or gas alarms ringing is an immediate red alert and you should shut off your HVAC system, call emergency services and schedule maintenance as soon as possible.

Can HVACs cause an electrical fire?

HVAC systems can be a source of electrical fires if not properly maintained or installed. When HVAC components like motors, fans, or wiring malfunction and become worn, they can overheat, which, in some cases, sparks an electrical fire. In order to prevent such hazardous incidents, it is crucial to schedule routine check-ups with certified HVAC technicians. Reach out to the experts at Mode Comfort to schedule your regular maintenance so you can know you are getting the most out of your HVAC system.

A view inside HVAC compressor showing components

Have you ever wondered what could bring your air conditioner to a sudden halt in the midst of summer? One likely culprit is a capacitor failure, a common but often overlooked cause of AC and heat pump woes. This seemingly small component really impacts the overall functionality of your cooling system, as it stores the electrical energy that starts your unit’s motors. In this post, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of air conditioner and heat pump capacitor failure causes, helping you understand the warning signs and how to prevent this from putting a damper on your comfort.

What Is an AC Capacitor?

An AC capacitor, also known as a run capacitor, is a small but essential component designed to store and release electrical energy in an alternating current (A/C) electrical circuit. It’s often compared to a temporary battery. One of the primary roles of an AC capacitor is to assist in starting up the air conditioner or heat pump’s motors. These motors can be quite large and require a significant amount of energy to overcome initial inertia and begin rotating. The start capacitor releases its stored energy to create a high-torque start-up boost. Normally, this component operates for just a few seconds each time the motor starts.

In addition to helping the motor start, capacitors are crucial for the continuous running of the AC or heat pump unit. They are responsible for maintaining a consistent and steady flow of electricity to the motor, which helps the motor run more efficiently, reduces energy consumption, and can prolong the overall lifespan of the AC or heat pump unit. 

There are some signs of AC capacitor failure to keep an eye out for. If your AC or heat pump unit is not turning on, or taking longer to start, or you hear a humming noise, there could be issues with your system. If you notice the AC or heat pump unit shuts off while it should be running or has trouble maintaining temperature, or your energy bills are higher than usual, the AC Capacitor could be your issue.

Since the AC Capacitor is such an important part of the structure of the unit, it is recommended that you schedule regular maintenance with an HVAC company. Mode Comfort services HVAC needs in the greater Richmond area and can assist with Air Conditioning Installation and Repair . Having our experts check out your system regularly can ensure that you avoid any costly issues associated with a failing capacitor.

What Causes a Bad Capacitor?

You may be asking yourself: Why do AC capacitors fail? It is essential to familiarize yourself with signs of a failing capacitor and take quick action before the issue escalates into a costly repair—or worse, a complete system breakdown where your home AC or heat pump is not working. Remember, preventive measures and early detection can save you time and money in the long run. Let’s look into some of the leading causes of capacitor issues.

1. Overheating

When an air conditioner or heat pump’s capacitor starts to overheat, it can be due to a variety of reasons, including extreme temperature conditions, overuse during hot weather, or lack of proper ventilation around the unit. Proper insulation of the electrical components, including the capacitor, can also avoid overheating. Ensuring your AC or heat pump system is correctly sized for your space can prevent undue strain on the capacitor.

2. Power Surge or Overload

These unexpected spikes in electrical current can cause severe damage on the delicate electronics within your AC or heat pump unit, including the capacitor. Electrical surges might stem from a variety of sources, such as power outages, lightning strikes, or even the irregularities from your power supply company. A capacitor acts as a buffer to protect the motor, but a strong enough surge can overwhelm it, leading to capacitor burnout. To mitigate this risk, it’s recommended you install surge protectors for your HVAC system. These protectors can help shield your air conditioner or heat pump from the brunt of electrical spikes, thereby extending the life of your capacitors and ensuring the continued effectiveness of your cooling system. 

3. Worn Out or Damaged Parts in an AC Capacitor:

There are a few parts to keep an eye on to ensure they are working properly. Make sure the metal terminals of an AC capacitor aren’t rusting due to environmental moisture, leading to poor electrical conductivity and the need for part replacement. Some capacitors are filled with oil, and a leak can signal the breaking down of the capacitor’s seals, resulting in diminished performance or failure. When tested with a multimeter, a capacitor showing a significantly lower capacitance than its rated is likely worn out and needs replacing. A swollen end on a capacitor is a visual cue that internal AC capacitor failure has occurred, typically requiring the part to be changed out. Having regular maintenance scheduled with an HVAC company like Mode Comfort can allow you to avoid any AC or heat pump parts getting to the point of no return.

How Do You Determine Capacitor Failure?

By recognizing the common signs of capacitor issues, such as a humming noise from the AC or heat pump unit, the air conditioner struggling to start, a swollen capacitor case, or a completely non-functional cooling system, you can address potential problems before they lead to more significant damage. Regular maintenance checks that include inspecting for dust and debris, examining the electrical connections, and ensuring the correct voltage is supplied can help mitigate risks. Notably, capacitor failures are often due to overheating, so making sure the condenser coils are clean and the unit is not exposed to overbearing temperatures can make a difference.

Woman adjusting thermostat

Avoid A Failing Capacitor With Regular Maintenance

Understanding the common AC capacitor failure causes is essential for homeowners. By recognizing issues such as electrical surges, overheating, aging, and poor maintenance, homeowners can take preventative measures to protect their air conditioning or heat pump systems. A well-maintained air conditioner or heat pump supported by experts can save time, money, and avoid the discomfort of unexpected breakdowns. Mode Comfort is an HVAC Repair Company in the Richmond Metro Area that can help you avoid costly issues with your AC Capacitor and ensure you stay cool in the summer months. Call Mode Comfort at 804-481-6633 to schedule your units’ preventative maintenance appointment today!

Is the thought of having to replace an HVAC system sending shivers down your spine—or worse, leaving you in a cold sweat? Fear not, for taking the leap into updating your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system doesn’t have to be a daunting endeavor. In fact, with the right guidance, it can be a smooth transition that leaves you with a breath of fresh air, quite literally. Today’s blog post is your golden ticket to understanding when, why, and how to efficiently replace your HVAC system, ensuring your home is the epitome of comfort year-round. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of HVAC upgrades that will transform the way you live.

How Often Should an HVAC System Be Replaced?

Even the best systems have a finite lifespan. Knowing when it’s time to replace your HVAC is essential to avoid the inconvenience of breakdowns and the costs associated with less efficient, older units.

Typically, HVAC systems have an average lifespan of around 15-25 years, with furnaces lasting about 15-20 years, air conditioners running for approximately 10-15 years, and heat pumps providing service for about 15 years.

If you are experiencing any of the following issues, it may be a sign that your HVAC system needs to be replaced:

  • Increased Repair Frequency: If your system requires repairs more often, it could be a sign that it’s nearing the end of its useful life.
  • Rising Energy Bills: An increase in your energy costs could be a clue that your HVAC system’s efficiency is declining.
  • Inconsistent Temperatures: If your system struggles to maintain the set temperature, it may be losing its effectiveness.
  • Strange Noises or Smells: Odd sounds or smells coming from your HVAC system should be inspected as they can indicate serious problems.

If you aren’t sure of when to replace your HVAC unit or are looking for AC repair in Richmond, contact Mode today for assistance.

Which Is the Best Time of Year to Replace Your HVAC System?

Timing your HVAC replacement strategically can save you money, ensure better service, and guarantee a stress-free installation. Most homeowners find themselves in need of HVAC services during the peak of summer heat or the chilling depths of winter. It stands to reason that HVAC companies might be less busy during the milder months of spring and fall.

During these off-peak times, you can often secure better deals as there is less demand for system replacement services. With technicians being less booked up, you’ll find it easier to schedule your installation at a time that suits you. This also means you may have the opportunity to have a more thorough consultation with HVAC specialists, ensuring that all your questions are answered and you get the best system for your home’s needs.

By planning your replacement in the spring or fall, you set your home up for optimal performance when you need it most—in the scorching heat of summer or the icy grip of winter. This forward-thinking approach ensures you’re not caught off-guard by a system failure when you most depend on it.

What is Involved in Replacing Old HVAC Systems?

When considering the replacement of an aging HVAC system, homeowners and building managers face a series of steps that ensure the new installation is efficient, cost-effective, and suitable for their specific needs. Upgrading your HVAC equipment is not a simple plug-and-play operation; it’s an intricate process that requires professional assessment and careful planning. Here’s what the process typically involves:

Assessment and Consultation:

Before any new HVAC system is installed, a thorough assessment of the current system’s condition is necessary. An experienced HVAC technician will evaluate the performance of the existing system, inspect the ductwork for leaks or damage, and assess the insulation and ventilation of the building. During this initial consultation, the technician will also discuss the client’s comfort preferences, energy efficiency goals, and budget considerations.

Choosing the Right System:

Selecting the appropriate HVAC system is critical. Factors such as the size of your home or building, the local climate, and the system’s energy efficiency ratings must be taken into account. Inadequate sizing can lead to inefficient operation, higher utility bills, and a shortened lifespan for the unit. 

Removal of the Old System:

Once the new system has been selected, safely removing and disposing of the old HVAC system is the next step. This involves disconnecting and disassembling the outdated equipment, which might contain refrigerants that need to be handled with care due to environmental regulations. Mode recycles all old equipment with a local metal recycler so you can be sure your old equipment is handled in the most environment-friendly method possible.

Installation of the New System:

Installing the new HVAC system is a complex task that should be handled by certified professionals. This includes setting up the new unit, making electrical connections, and ensuring that the ductwork is properly sealed and insulated. It’s also a prime opportunity to make any necessary upgrades to the ductwork and to ensure that the thermostat is compatible with the new system. Mode installs a new WiFi touchscreen thermostat with every new system. This also a good time to install any air cleaning, purification, or treatment accessories. The cost is typically less expensive if done as an add-on to a system installation.

Testing and Fine-Tuning:

After installation, the system must be thoroughly tested to confirm that it’s operating efficiently and safely. This may involve adjusting the refrigerant levels, calibrating the thermostat, and ensuring that air is flowing correctly through the vents. Any issues that arise during testing must be rectified before the installation is considered complete.

Education and Maintenance Plans:

Finally, the HVAC professionals will provide the homeowner or building manager with detailed instructions on how to best use and maintain the new system. Did you know that Mode Comfort offers preventative maintenance through their Fan Club? Find out more!

Are There Ways to Save on a HVAC System Replacement?

Replacing your HVAC system can be a significant investment, but there are numerous ways to mitigate the costs. Whether you’re looking to upgrade for efficiency, reliability, or comfort, you can employ various strategies to save money without sacrificing quality.

  1. Research and Compare: Begin your journey by researching different HVAC brands and models. Comparing the features versus the cost of each system can help you find the best value for your money. Look for units that strike an appropriate balance between initial cost and long-term savings through energy efficiency.
  2. Energy Efficiency Incentives: Many localities and utility companies offer rebates for installing energy-efficient systems. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront costs. Make sure to check for programs like ENERGY STAR rebates or local incentives that might apply to your new HVAC system. Be sure to talk to your tax advisor or accountant about these incentives. 
  3. Contractor Deals: Sometimes, HVAC contractors have special deals or discounts, especially during off-peak seasons. Hiring a contractor during the fall or spring might lead to lower prices as demand for HVAC installations decreases.
  4. Proper Sizing: Ensuring your new HVAC system is correctly sized for your home can prevent overpaying for a system larger than you need. A system that is too large or too small won’t run efficiently, leading to higher utility bills and potential maintenance issues down the line. A professional HVAC assessment can help determine the correct size for your home.
  5. Maintenance Plans: Once your system is installed, consider a maintenance plan with your contractor. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and extend the life of your system. Some companies offer discounts on services and parts when you have a maintenance agreement.
  6. Tax Credits: Depending on your location, there may be federal or state tax credits available for installing high-efficiency systems. These can provide significant savings when you file your taxes. Again, talk to your tax advisor or accountant about this topic.
  7. Warranties: Lastly, understand the warranties offered with different systems as repairs may be covered in the future with longer warranty offers.

How Long Does It Take to Replace a HVAC System?

When it comes to replacing your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, homeowners often wonder about the time commitment required for such a project. The installation time can vary quite a bit depending on several factors. On average, you can expect the replacement process to take anywhere from several hours for a simple system change-out to a week for a full duct system. Factors like the system complexity, ductwork condition, and permits can affect the overall length. Give us a call today to get an estimate on your project!

Mode Comfort for Your New HVAC System

Mode Comfort & Air Quality provides personalized HVAC solutions tailored to meet all of your heating, cooling, and air quality requirements. We proudly supply an array of products and services on par with the big-name companies. What sets us apart is our commitment to delivering a uniquely individualized experience and our unwavering focus on ensuring that you, our customer, are completely satisfied which is why we’ve been called one of the best HVAC companies in Richmond, VA. We can’t always wait for the best time to replace HVAC systems. If you are looking for HVAC repair near you, reach out today to get help from our professionals!

As the chilly winters are rolling around the corner, it’s time we start thinking about cranking up our heating systems. But, do you know what you should do if your heater is not turning on when you need it? Welcome to our comprehensive guide, specifically tailored to provide valuable insights and ensure your abode stays warm and toasty all winter while avoiding heater problems. By outlining common problems and solutions, we hope to help you get your heat back on quickly to stay safe and warm this winter. Need more help? Mode Comfort is not just for AC repair, Richmond! We can help get your heating system to turn on when you need it most.

Why Won’t My Heat Turn On?

There could be several reasons why your heater does not turn on. It’s important to consider simple reasons before calling a professional for help. By knowing common issues, you will be better equipped to handle heater problems in the future.

Reasons for central heat not turning on

One of the possible reasons could be an issue related to power. Your heating system needs an adequate power supply to function properly. If your home’s circuit breaker may have tripped or if there’s a blown fuse, this could be preventing your heating system from turning on. Always remember to check your power supply before delving into other potential issues.

Another common reason you might face difficulties in turning the heating system on could be due to the thermostat settings. Certifying that the thermostat is set to heat mode and adjusting the temperature above the current room temperature can sometimes resolve the issue.

Problems related to the pilot light are also a common reason why heating systems may not switch on. If you are using a gas heating system and it doesn’t work, there could be an issue with the pilot light. In such cases, it could be a potential gas leak and it’s important to get professional assistance.

Then there’s the possibility of a dirty or clogged filter which could hinder the performance of your heating system. If the air filters are not clean, they could block airflow and strain your system. Regular maintenance and replacement of filters can prevent such issues and improve the efficiency of your heating system. Find out more about Mode’s Maintenance Plans with our Fan Club.

Remember, it’s always important to seek professional assistance should you not be able to diagnose or solve the issue yourself. Always prioritize safety with any home heating concerns! This will not only ensure the longevity of your equipment but also potentially save on costly repairs in the future.

What To Do When My Heater Won’t Stay On?

Hand holding dirty air filter

Heating systems are intricate units, and they can sometimes malfunction especially when you least expect it. If you’ve noticed that your heater won’t stay on, it’s an indication that there could be an underlying issue that needs your immediate attention.

If you’ve already checked your thermostat settings and filter, you could have one of the following issues:

  1. A malfunctioning gas valve or ignition control. It often gets faulty with time or due to a dirty flame sensor. Seek the help of a professional technician to diagnose and fix these components.
  2. Ventilation problems. Blocked vents or flues can make your system switch off frequently due to overheating. Regular maintenance can help to identify potential blockages and prevent heater problems.
  3. Age of system. If your heating system is old, it might be experiencing wear and tear, causing it to keep turning off. In such cases, considering a complete system replacement might be the best option. An investment in a new, more efficient model not only provides peace of mind but also saves on energy costs in the long run.

Regular checks by a certified professional can help detect issues early before they escalate, saving you time and money. Mode Comfort and Air Quality, the best HVAC in Richmond, VA, is just a call away!

Types of Home Heating Systems

Small floor heater in front of lit fireplace

If you are having trouble with your heating system, it’s important to know what type of system you have so you can convey this information to your HVAC professional. Most likely, you have one of the following systems.

  1. Furnace Heating Systems: The most popular type of home heating in the USA, furnaces work by blowing heated air via ducts, delivering warm air to different rooms through vents. The heated air comes from burning either oil or gas. If you have a heating system that is located inside your home and is connected to ducts, it most likely is a furnace.
  2. Boiler Heating Systems: Boilers heat water and distribute heat through radiators or pipes. This hot water can also be used in a radiant floor heating system, which is known for providing even heating throughout the residence. If you have radiators or a heating system that is connected to pipes, it is most likely a boiler.
  3. Heat Pump Systems: These systems use electricity to move heat from a cool space into a warm one to keep your home warm in the winter. They can also be reversed to cool a home in the summer. If your system runs on electricity only, it is most likely a heat pump.
  4. Direct Heating Systems: These include gas-fired space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning and pellet stoves. These systems typically heat only the room in which they’re located. Is your heater not turning on? If you only have direct heating systems in your home, you should consider upgrading to a central air system for maximum comfort in the winter. Heater problems shouldn’t leave you out in the cold.

Mode Comfort and Air Quality – Providing HVAC Repair Near You

HVAC technician using screwdriver on outdoor air compressor

Understanding your heating system is crucial for maintaining a comfortable home environment, reducing energy costs, and preserving the quality of your heating equipment. As seasons transform and as the temperature starts to plummet, it is recommended to pay heed to weather predictions, check the functionality of your system, and make sure it’s tuned up for efficiency. Don’t get caught panicking and thinking to yourself, “My heater won’t turn on!” when it’s freezing in your home. Recall that prompt and regular maintenance and service checks by professionals can prevent potential heating issues that can lead to costly repairs or replacements. Contact Mode Comfort today to schedule maintenance of your heating system!

Guide on When to Upgrade Your HVAC

We all know that our HVAC systems are crucial for maintaining our homes’ comfort levels year-round. But have you ever wondered just how long HVAC systems last? In today’s blog post, we’re diving into this hot topic, demystifying the average life of HVAC systems and giving you all the cool details. Buckle up for an enlightening journey into the world of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning!

How long does an HVAC system last?

The lifespan of an HVAC system can considerably depend on various factors such as the type of system, its quality, usage, maintenance, and the environment in which it operates. It is critical to understand these aspects to estimate the longevity of an HVAC system accurately. Typically, an HVAC system can last anywhere between 15 to 25 years. However, this range is not absolute. Individual components of the system, such as air conditioners, usually last between 10-15 years, while furnaces can last up to 20 years or more. Heat pumps often need replacement every 10–15 years. For components like boilers, the lifespan extends even further, often between 15 to 30 years. There is no one answer to “how often to replace HVAC systems?” due to all of the variables that must be considered. 

Need emergency heating services? Mode Comfort offers emergency HVAC repair. Call now!

When should you replace your HVAC system?

HVAC technician working on outside compressor.

Here are 5 common signs that your HVAC system needs to be replaced:

  1. Increasing Energy Bills: If you’ve noticed a significant increase in your energy bills, it may be time to consider replacing your HVAC system. Older units tend to operate less efficiently, requiring more energy to maintain the desired temperature. Investing in a new, energy-efficient model could save you a significant amount on your monthly bills in the long run.
  2. Frequent Repairs: Do you have the HVAC technician on speed dial? This could be a definite sign that your system is nearing its end. Frequent and costly repairs can add up over time and could indicate that the system is no longer able to function properly.
  3. The Age of the System: The average lifespan of an HVAC system is around 15 to 20 years. If your system is over this age and starting to show signs of wear and tear, it might be more economical to replace it with a newer, more efficient model.
  4. Uneven Temperature Distribution: If some rooms in your home are colder or hotter than others, this could be a sign that your HVAC system is not functioning properly. Age, damage, or design flaws in the system may result in uneven temperature distribution.
  5. Excessive Noise: An HVAC system that’s operating correctly should be relatively quiet. If you’re noticing strange noises when the system operates this may be an indication of potential system faults, and it could be time for a replacement.

How long is a typical HVAC warranty?

The length of a standard HVAC warranty can vary depending on the brand, the model, and the type of system you are purchasing. On average, these warranties range from 5 to 10 years. However, some higher-end models may offer extended warranties that last up to 12-15 years. It’s important to check with the manufacturer or your HVAC installer to get accurate information about the warranty you’re offered.

An HVAC warranty usually covers the functioning parts of the system such as the compressor, motors, and coils. It is designed to protect consumers from potential defects in manufacturing and workmanship that may lead to system breakdowns. However, regular wear and tear, improper installation, and lack of maintenance might not be covered under a standard warranty. For such situations, an extended warranty or service contract might be useful. Mode Comfort proudly offers a 2-year labor warranty on all of our installations. We also offer maintenance plans that will ensure that your system is running properly. Find out more!

View looking up at ductwork

How long does it take to install an HVAC system?

Installation time of an HVAC system can vary depending on several factors, including the type of HVAC system being installed, the size and complexity of your property, and whether or not existing infrastructure needs to be removed or repaired. In cases where existing infrastructure isn’t adequate or needs repair, the process may be prolonged. For instance, if there’s a need to repair or add new ductwork, the process will typically take longer. Furthermore, unexpected repair or modification needs such as electrical upgrades or removal of old equipment can extend the installation time. If you only need an air conditioner or heat pump replacement, the project may move faster. Mode Comfort has trustworthy HVAC repair near you. Call Mode Comfort today for an estimate!

What is included in an HVAC system replacement?

With the temperature fluctuation in the Richmond area, it may feel like there is never a best time to replace HVAC systems. Mode Comfort is dedicated to making your HVAC replacement as quick and comfortable as possible. In an HVAC system replacement, various components may be included that are crucial for maintaining the efficiency and functionality of the system.Your replacement may include:

  1. Furnace: This is the powerhouse of your HVAC unit, responsible for heating your home by warming up air and distributing it throughout different rooms. In an HVAC system replacement, your old, worn-out furnace may be switched out for a new, energy-efficient model, improving both heating performance and cost efficiency.
  2. Air Conditioning Unit: Replacements include switching out your old air conditioning unit for a new one. This is responsible for cooling your home during hot seasons, providing comfort and balanced air temperatures. Need AC repair, Richmond? Call Mode Comfort today!
  3. Heat Pump: Instead of a furnace and air conditioner, you may have a heat pump, which does both heating and cooling.
  4. Ductwork: Over time, ductwork can get damaged and/or clogged, rendering it less effective. During HVAC system replacement, new ductwork could be installed to ensure efficient airflow and improved air quality.
  5. Thermostat: Your old, manual thermostat could be upgraded to a programmable or smart thermostat. A new thermostat can provide more accurate temperature control and enhance energy efficiency.
  6. Vents and Grilles: These components that help direct airflow might also be part of a comprehensive replacement. If your existing vents and grilles are damaged or improperly sized, they could hinder the efficiency of your HVAC system.
  7. Filters: Regular maintenance should include frequent filter replacements. However, when getting a new HVAC system, new, perhaps higher-quality filters will also be included.
  8. HVAC Controls System: Your new HVAC system will likely come with a new controls system. These controls will allow you to adjust temperature, airflow, and humidity levels for better comfort.

So, when you plan for an HVAC system replacement, not just the core units but all the peripheral components as well are commonly included in the replacement process. These contribute to overall system performance, enhancing your quality of life by ensuring a comfortable, energy-efficient home environment.

Mode Comfort Can Help with Your HVAC System

Woman adjusting indoor thermostat

Understanding proper maintenance, the benefits of regular checkups and the factors affecting the longevity of HVAC systems is crucial for homeowners and facility managers alike. Investing in diligent care for these systems not only prolongs their lifespan but also warrants a healthy and comfortable living environment while saving you substantial costs in the long run. With advancements in technology and growing awareness about energy conservation, the future of HVAC systems is promising, leaning towards systems that are ecologically friendly, efficient and enduring. Mode Comfort and Air Quality is proud to offer the best HVAC service in Richmond. We are ready and available to offer assistance with your HVAC system needs.

Why is my AC blowing hot air in my house?

It is hot out there, and it is getting hotter. Air conditioning used to be a luxury, but it is now essential to our comfort and health, especially in central Virginia. What happens when your air conditioner stops cooling your home and starts blowing hot air instead? Read on to learn more about the causes of your AC blowing warm air, tips to troubleshoot any issues, and ways to maintain your AC for many years of comfortable cooling.

AC Blowing Warm Air

Why is my AC blowing hot air in my house?

 No one wants to get home and open the door to a hot and humid house. You check the thermostat to see if you set it at the right temperature. You put your hand over the vents to see if the air blowing is cool or warm. You conclude that something is definitely wrong, and you wonder why it is happening. You thought the AC unit still had lots of life left in it. Before assuming the worst, let’s look at the specific reasons why your central air is blowing warm air. Your AC unit blowing hot air outside also might be a concern. Your air conditioner components outside and inside must work together to properly keep your home cool.

Is it the unit itself or some other reason my AC is blowing warm air?

 Reasons an AC might blow warm air:

Refrigerant issues. Low refrigerant levels or a refrigerant leak can lead to your AC blowing warm air. If this is the case, Mode Comfort & Air Quality can professionally inspect the system, locate any leaks and repair them when possible, and recharge the refrigerant if needed.

Faulty compressor. The compressor is responsible for circulating refrigerant through the AC system. When your compressor malfunctions or stops working completely, it cannot provide the cool air you need. This is a complex issue that requires professional assistance, so rely on Mode Comfort & Air Quality to diagnose a compressor issue.

Dirty evaporator coils. These coils are located in the indoor air handler unit and play a vital role in the cooling process. This is where hot air is absorbed and cooled through refrigeration. If these coils become clogged or dirty, it restricts their ability to cool air efficiently. Frozen evaporator coils are often the culprit, as well. 

-Dirty or damaged condenser coils. The condenser coils are located in the outdoor unit. These coils enable the system to remove heat from the refrigerant that was absorbed by the evaporator coils. If these coils are dirty, obstructed (such as by a fence around the outdoor unit), or damaged, this can cause major issues. 

 -Capacitor failure. If your capacitor has died, your unit may blow warm air. Luckily, this is an easy fix.

Potential causes of your Air Conditioner blowing warm air other than the unit itself include:

cooling mode

Thermostat settings or malfunctions. It would be great for homeowners if the only reason the AC is blowing hot air is because the thermostat is set to heat instead of cooling mode. It could also be that the temperature itself is set to higher than the outside temperature so that the thermostat won’t turn on your HVAC system. Your thermostat could be broken or simply need batteries if not hard-wired. Your expert technicians at Mode Comfort & Air Quality perform thorough testing and inspection of all components. You won’t be charged for any unnecessary repairs. 

Airflow restrictions. Check if any obstructions are blocking the airflow from the AC vents, such as furniture, curtains, or other objects. Restricted airflow can prevent the cool air from circulating effectively. If your AC is blowing cold air but the house is still hot, even something as simple as opening closed vents can help get your home cool. You also need to make sure the airflow around the outside AC unit is not obstructed. Debris and overgrown landscaping can cause your AC unit to work harder and overheat. Your outside AC unit needs breathing room to operate efficiently.

Duct leaks. If there is a large leak in your home’s ductwork, cool air may not make it out of the vents into your living areas. Ducts within your home are responsible for delivering the cooled air from the HVAC to the rooms of your dwelling. When there is a leak, warm air mixes with the cold and warmer than normal air is what you feel coming from the vents. Leave any ductwork inspection to the professionals at Mode Comfort & Air Quality.

Dirty air filters. Replacing your air filter as recommended should be the first lesson in Homeownership 101. A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict airflow and reduce the cooling capacity of your AC system. Check the air filters and clean or replace them if necessary. Depending on the type of filter you have in your home, clean or replace filters every 3 months unless you have a lot of dust and pet dander, which requires more frequent attention. 

Electrical problems. Electrical issues, such as a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse, can disrupt the AC’s cooling process. Check the electrical panel and reset any tripped breakers or replace blown fuses. 

How can I troubleshoot the problem of my AC blowing hot air?

  1. Check the thermostat. It should be in cooling mode with a temperature set lower than the current room temperature. Change the batteries if necessary.
  2. Check the air filter and change or clean if required.
  3. Make sure your air vents and registers are open and unobstructed.
  4. Verify your electrical power to the AC is on and operable. A tripped breaker is an easy fix to an AC that blows hot air.
  5. Clean the outdoor unit. Hose it down after removing any obstructions that can impact the cooling efficiency.
  6. Call the professionals at Mode Comfort & Air Quality. If you’ve performed the basic troubleshooting steps and the AC problem persists, one call to Mode Comfort & Air Quality will give you peace of mind that we have the expertise and tools to diagnose and repair complex AC issues safely. We can also quickly replace your AC if necessary.

What steps can I take to prevent my AC from blowing warm air in the future?

 The simplest and most cost-efficient way to prevent your air conditioner from blowing hot air is preventative maintenance. This goes beyond changing the air filter. Consider professional AC tune-ups from Mode Comfort & Air Quality, especially if your unit is older. Our quality techs inspect your AC system thoroughly, clean the coil to prevent freezing, clean the condensate line, and test coolant pressure and levels. Schedule your AC tune-up in the spring before it needs to work overtime. You don’t want to regret not calling us sooner when you find your air conditioner blowing hot air on a 90-degree day. Consider joining our Fan Club preventative maintenance program for regular check-ups.

Common FAQs for AC Blowing Warm Air

Why is my AC running all the time but not cooling?

You may find that your home is not cooling down, but the AC blowing warm air is not the problem. Start with looking at simple causes. Are your windows open? Close them so hot air cannot get in and cool air cannot escape. Is your oven on? If you’ve been baking all day, the air in your kitchen area will be warmer than normal. Are children running in and out the door all day, perhaps leaving the door open? Do you have construction happening in your home? Other issues can include insufficient insulation. Inadequate insulation in your home can cause cool air to escape and hot air to infiltrate, leading to prolonged AC operation without proper cooling. Insulating your home adequately, especially in attics, walls, and windows, can help improve cooling efficiency.

Consider the size of your current AC unit. If your air conditioner is too large or too small for the space it’s cooling, it can result in inefficient operation. An oversized unit cools the space quickly but may not run long enough to dehumidify, while an undersized unit may struggle to cool the area adequately. Many homeowners don’t consider the size of their AC unit as the reason why their AC is blowing hot air. Mode Comfort & Air Quality will recommend just the right sized unit to operate to peak efficiency in your home.

Can I fix my AC blowing out hot air on my own?

DIY air conditioning repair is not recommended. HVAC is a big investment for homeowners, and the comfort of your family is very important. You can follow the troubleshooting guidelines above if the AC is blowing hot air on cool, but skip the “how to fix AC blowing hot air” videos on YouTube and go straight to the telephone and call Mode Comfort & Air Quality when you want to answer the question of why is my AC blowing warm air.

When my AC is blowing hot air, who can I call to fix it right the first time?

 You must hire the right contractor to repair your AC unit blowing warm air or replace it when your AC unit is blowing hot air. In Virginia, Mode Comfort & Air Quality is the right choice. We fill every need from basic HVAC maintenance to complex AC repairs and total system replacement. For AC repair, Chesterfield residents count on Mode Comfort & Air Quality. For AC repair, Richmond residents count on Mode Comfort & Air Quality. For AC repair. Midlothian residents count on Mode Comfort & Air Quality. Don’t get hot over a broken AC, call or text Mode Comfort & Air Quality today at (804) 481-6633.


Winter is a season you either love or hate. Whether you smile or roll your eyes when the forecast includes snow, we all appreciate opening the door to our warm and cozy homes. What temperature on your thermostat is warm and cozy? That answer is influenced by several elements. Outside temperature, inside humidity, your comfort level, and your desire to save money all factor into the best temperature for your heater in winter. The experts at Mode Comfort & Air Quality offers great advice to determine your ideal home temperature in winter.

Energy Star, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy to promote energy efficiency, recommends a setting of 68 degrees Fahrenheit as the best temperature to set your heater in winter. That may sound a bit chilly to some, but there is reasoning behind the number. Forcing your furnace to keep a high interior temperature with freezing temperatures outside makes your furnace work overtime. A furnace that keeps running means your bills keep going up, too. A more modest temperature of 68 degrees provides just thefh right combination of warmth and savings while increasing the life of your HVAC system. If money savings is a big priority, consider layering your clothing while leaving your thermostat on 68. If you prefer your surroundings a bit toastier, consider a setting of 72 degrees while you are awake and active at home. It will result in a slightly higher energy bill, but it will keep you comfortable when you forgo the hoodie inside

When it comes to the best temperature for your furnace in the winter at night, it is time to turn that thermostat down. As a general rule, the recommended heater temperature at night is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. A thermostat setting of around 65 degrees is actually better for your health. When you sleep, your body’s temperature setpoint is lowered, and that makes it easier to adjust to a lower temperature setting on your thermostat. If it is too hot or too cold at night, it can throw off your internal temperature and result in poor sleep quality. Everyone has a different body temperature, so you may have to experiment with your nighttime thermostat temperature to find the right balance.

If you vacation during the winter months, you will also want to lower the temperature on your thermostat. While you are away, the best setting for a furnace in winter is around 60 degrees. You may think that turning off your HVAC system entirely will save money, but it will cost more to get your house back up to the right temperature when you return. You will also increase the chance of freezing pipes if you shut down your furnace or heat pump. If you will be leaving plants and/or pets at home, keep your furnace thermostat set to a minimum of 64 to keep your green leaves and furry friends comfortable and safe.

Even if you are staying put for the winter and can’t wait for the first freeze, the lowest temperature you should set your furnace at is 50 to 55 degrees. This minimum temperature will keep your appliances and pipes in operable condition. Consider this for any vacation properties or unoccupied structures you own. Keep the heat flowing through the house to protect it from potential property damage.

You might have a heat pump instead of a traditional furnace. There are other items to consider when determining the best temperature for a heat pump in winter. Traditional natural gas-powered furnaces generate heat and push it through the ducts of your home via the blower. A heat pump uses ducts, also, but constantly moves air rather than periodically blasting air. Heat pumps take heat from the outside and direct it to your home. When outdoor temperatures fall below freezing, the heat pump utilizes its backup element. Therefore, the best temperature for heat pumps in winter is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Your heat pump will run efficiently when your home is occupied, and you will be comfortable.

If you have a furnace humidifier, it should be adjusted according to outside temperatures. When temperatures fall between 20 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit, keep the humidity level at 40 percent or below. If temperatures drop below 20 degrees, indoor humidity can be lowered to 25 to 30 percent. Just remember this rule of thumb- the lower the outside temperature, the lower the humidity level inside should be.

Where you place the thermostat in your home is a critical element in energy efficiency. The ideal thermostat placement is on an interior wall in the center of your home. Avoid locating your thermostat in direct sunlight, above air vents, next to a heating source such as your oven or fireplace, or by doors or windows. Consider placing your thermostat in a room you use frequently. Free flow of air around the sensors of your thermostat means it can read temperatures accurately and engage your heating or cooling system as necessary.

What are some other ways to keep your money in your pocket instead of the energy company? First, maintain your furnace annually. Call Mode Comfort & Air Quality to schedule your furnace maintenance visit today. A properly maintained HVAC system catches potential issues before they affect your family’s comfort, and also helps to keep your family safe from possible dangers such as carbon monoxide or natural gas leaks. If your existing system is more than a decade old, consider upgrading to a new energy-efficient HVAC system. Advanced technology means up to 20% more efficiency. That is good for the environment and your wallet. Finally, investigate if multi-zone heating and cooling would be a good fit for your home and budget. They are more expensive than traditional HVAC systems, but they do provide more control over temperatures in various areas of your home providing the ultimate in comfort. Keep in mind this solution will not work in every home.

In the greater Richmond, Virginia area, the only HVAC company you need is Mode Comfort & Air Quality. When you need to schedule preventative maintenance to prepare for the changing seasons, our expert technicians will make it super simple to keep your HVAC system running efficiently. If you find that heating repair is in order, call Mode Comfort & Air Quality to provide quick and reasonably priced service to keep your family warm. Considering a furnace or heat pump upgrade? Mode Comfort & Air Quality has amazing energy-efficient systems ready to install. You can also call us for a humidity control system that adds to the comfort of your home.

The best temperature for a heater in winter is about 68 degrees. The best HVAC company in Richmond, Virginia is Mode Comfort & Air Quality. Call us today at 804-481-6633.

If you’ve gotten to know your Mode Comfort & Air Quality technician on a first name basis, you
might want to think about a new air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace. You know we appreciate your business, but sending us invites to your summer barbecue might indicate we are fixing your old HVAC system too often. If parts keep giving out on your old air conditioner or if your furnace was installed in the last century, it is likely time for Mode to install a new one. But, please keep the barbeque invites coming.

Our professionals consider the size of your home and your budget while addressing your concerns about efficiency and sustainability. With your new quality A/C, you are going to save money on your utility bills and enjoy the cooling and relaxing respite from that summer heat. After you receive that exciting call that Mode Comfort & Air Quality experts are on the way to install your new HVAC system, what comes next?

Here are some important helpful steps you can take to help prepare for your new HVAC

1. Start Clean and Fresh.

If needed, strongly consider having your air ducts cleaned before your installation. Your air quality will be improved, and your new system can work more efficiently without having to blow around those unwanted contaminants. Your Mode technician can let you know if your ducts would benefit from a good cleaning and can suggest a company to take care of that for you.

2.Make Certain our Technicians have the room to work.

This includes moving furniture away from the work area both inside and outside your home. Installers need direct
access to your existing HVAC system and electrical panel. A clear and easy path goes a
long way to making the process as efficient as possible. This often requires the homeowner to clear a path in the attic, if the indoor unit is housed there.

3.Make Certain the outside area is also free of obstruction.

The outside unit works best when it is unobstructed and in some shade. Try to clear the yard at least three or four
feet around where the unit will be placed. Once installed, don’t plant anything too close
to the condenser for optimum performance.

4.Make Certain your furry friends are somewhere else.

While we know your hundred-pound boxer, Mr. Fuzzy Pants, is eager to learn the HVAC trade, it will help our
technicians if he is safely away locked in another room or off the premises completely.
The same goes for Oscar the tuxedo cat who just wants to watch. Mode Comfort & Air
Quality is there to complete a high-quality job, and we really appreciate the opportunity
to do so without stepping over your bearded dragon, Wanda. But, we are happy to play with any and all critters once we are finished with the installation.

5.Make Certain to Schedule your installation

when you can be home without a lot of distraction. If you have young children, schedule your A/C installation when they are at School or out of the house for the day. Most A/C installations are completed within one day, and we work diligently to make the process as stress free as possible.

When our awesome installers are onsite and ready to work, here is a quick look at how the process works:

Your existing air conditioning system will be disassembled and removed. Any existing duct system is inspected and new ducts are added or replaced if deemed necessary (if ductwork was included in your estimate).Installation site is prepared to support your new A/C unit. Every Mode installation includes a
new equipment pad underneath your new unit.

Full installation of your new air conditioner happens next. Inside and outside of your home,electrical connections, coolant lines, condensers and coils are all put into place with precision. Our professional installers handle the installation process flawlessly, and the entire process is efficient, environmentally conscious, and comprehensive. We even include new thermostat. Don’t worry, you can keep your old one if you are attached to it.

Once connections are made, we test the unit to make sure the air flow and temperature are just what they are supposed to be. We clean up and we leave you to enjoy your new system. All old equipment from the jobsite is recycled and may be picked up by a refuse procurement specialist for handling. This service is included in your estimate.

Now you know how to get ready for your new A/C installation and what to expect when Mode Comfort & Air Quality arrives at your home or business to complete the installation process. Our overriding goal is to provide you amazing service before, during and after the HVAC installation process, and continue to provide this same quality of service for maintenance and repair for years to come. You don’t have to take our word for it. We encourage our customers to get two or three bids for HVAC replacement, so you understand all of your options. We know you will choose Mode Comfort & Air Quality. Here’s why:

Mode Comfort & Air Quality has fully licensed and insured technicians. It is important to know that the workers you let into your home know their business and respect you enough toprotect your safety as well as their own. Mode owner, G. Todd Rice, is a recognized Master tradesman including Master HVAC, Master Gasfitter, Master Natural Gas, and Master Liquid Propane. He even holds a Class A contractor’s license. The entire Mode team represents the best in the business, and you deserve nothing less.

Mode Comfort & Air Quality is locally owned and operated, not part of an impersonal chain. We are involved in our community and are proud to serve the HVAC needs of Richmond, Powhatan, Midlothian, Chesterfield, Moseley and surrounding areas.

Mode Comfort & Air Quality has award-winning service and repair for your HVAC needs.Style Weekly has recognized us as a “Best of Richmond” winner for many years; we have placed in the top for the The Richmond-Times Dispatch’s “The Best” awards several times; and we’ve also won the NextDoor Neighborhood Favorite status multiple times. We’ve earned an A+ rating with the BBB and the trust of many repeat customers. Just check our Google reviews. When you need an air conditioner contractor, Mode Comfort & Air Quality is the one to call.

For the best A/C services in the greater Richmond area, Mode Comfort & Air Quality fills every
need from basic HVAC maintenance to complex A/C repairs and total system replacement. We
are your source for your indoor comfort and air quality. Don’t get hot over a broken A/C, call or text Mode Comfort & Air Quality today at (804) 481-6633.