Revolutionary New A/C Sealant

Cliplight Manufacturing Co. has served the automotive and industrial markets of North America for over 25 years and in 2000 introduced Super Seal Pro, the number 1 professional leak sealant for all mobile A/C systems, R12/22 to R134a.

Recently, they upgraded their product formula, began making it in the U.S.A., and renamed “EasySeal Direct Inject.” EasySeal is the strongest sealant on the market, with over a million leaks sealed. It repairs phantom leaks easily and quickly and continues to circulate in the A/C system to protect against future leaks.

This new injection system eliminates the need to pump down units, which saves money or wasted materials and cuts downtime. EasySeal also pairs with a new UV leak detection dye called EasySeal Direct Inject-UV. This show where larger leaks reside while they’re being sealed.

Contact Mode Comfort & Air Quality to learn more about EasySeal.

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